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Since 2013, the University for Television and Film offers doctorates, though solely for work in the Media Studies program. The theses are focused on film and television history, analysis and theory. Completed theses include such topics as: “Der Tod im Spielfilm” (Death in Fiction Films), ”Die Geschichte der Bavaria” (The History of Bavaria Film Studios), ”Filmförderung und Mäzenatentum” (Film Subsidy and Patronage), ”Fernsehgeschichte schreiben: Der TATORT“ (Writing Television History – The TV Series TATORT”).

We only offer a program to attain the degree of the German „Dr. phil.“ - even though it literally means the same as PhD (doctor philosophiae) it is legally not the same. That is the reason why our detailed doctoral regulations are only available in German.

Our program is a solely scientific one, not a combination of artistic and scientific work – even though the Diploma at the HFF Munich is an artistic degree: „Diplom (KH for ‚art school‘)“

For applying to this program, you need at least either a diploma from the HFF Munich or a dedicated scientific degree in media studies or communication science graded “First-class honours” (UK) / “3,3 GPA” (US) or better (equal to 1,7 or better in Germany).

We do not offer full or part-time scholarships for this program.