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    Triptych Dok.Fest 2010 Flyer

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    Triptych Dok.Fest 2010 Flyer

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  • Installationsansicht

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  • Installationsansicht

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  • Installationsansicht

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  • Triptych Atelier für Medienkunst Plakat

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A desert landscape. We are moving forward, always in the same direction. Tracks on the ground lead nowhere, there is no end in sight, no borders, no fences. No lines that can be crossed.

Three simultaneously recorded video images form a panorama. The point of view, similar to the human field of vision, is modifed by gaps, overlaps, and distortion, creating a subjective and highly physical experience.

Over the sound of the footsteps and the noises of the desert we hear the voices and stories of people who have fled their countries: refugees from Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria, and Guinea, all trying to find refuge in a safe place. They were asked to tell their stories, how they left their countries and the things that happened to them on their way. The resulting recordings form a narration that is very personal, at times even casual, but always gripping and horrifying.

Triptych's way of story-telling refers to an altar piece: Several stories are told at the same time, not all of them occurring at the same moment. No linear narration, no obvious or reliable connections between people and places. Every image of the desert tells the stories of many people.

Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival München //2010