Unter die Erde
„Burying Mom“ tells the story of Marion and Chris, who both return home to lay their mother to rest. Marion left the family at a fairly young age, while Chris remained with their mother, who was not an easy person to live with. This was a difficult situation for Chris, which caused him to start acting strangely. Marion wants to get things over with quickly and cremate their mother, but Chris wants to prevent this at all costs in hopes of keeping her memory alive. He devises a plan behind Marion’s back, going to the extreme of dressing in their mother’s clothes to get his way. Marion is left in disbelief. As their unresolved conflicts are unearthed, a heated quarrel ensues, and all because of the question: How do we get mom six feet under? Shortynale//2015
Submission in the category Wettbewerb
Shorts at the Moonlight//2015